CosmWasm Governance Proposals

CosmWasm contracts on the Axelar blockchain can only be created or updated via governance proposals. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and submitting a governance proposal with your CosmWasm code.


To create a governance proposal, make sure you have:

  • An account with enough funds to create a proposal
  • An updated version of axelard with wasm enabled (make WASM=true build)


  1. Set the parameters to environment variables:

    TESNET=... # fix this value
    GOVERNANCE=axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj # fix this value
  2. Run the optimizer to get the contracts bytecode. This should be done via a Docker container to ensure that the bytecode is built with the proper environment. The following command will build the contract and save it to the artifacts folder:

    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer-arm64:0.12.13

Change upload permission to governance address only

  1. Save the JSON proposal to a file, such as gov-proposal.json. For example:

    "title": "set upload access address to axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj",
    "description": "set wasm code upload access to axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj",
    "changes": [
        "subspace": "wasm",
        "key": "uploadAccess",
        "value": {
            "permission": "AnyOfAddresses",
            "address": "",
            "addresses": ["axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj"]
    "deposit": "200000000uaxl"
  2. In your terminal, create a GOV_PROPOSAL variable and set its value to the path of your JSON file.

  3. Submit the proposal.

    axelard tx gov submit-proposal param-change $GOV_PROPOSAL --from test --output json --gas auto --gas-adjustment 2 --gas-prices=0.00005$DENOM --node $RPC --chain-id $TESTNET
  4. Set the PROPOSAL_ID variable to the previous command’s output.

  5. Ask people on Axelar’s Discord, Telegram groups, and Forum to vote on your proposal. You can also use other accounts to vote for your own proposal.

Submit the governance proposal to upload code

  1. Set contract vars to upload. You can get the hash from the optimizer output:


CONTRACT_SOURCE= # correct this CONTRACT_CODE_HASH=20814e7f6a11bb7be119babbd233c3a647a2c8b5d9376eb810729152288d225c

1. Submit the proposal to upload your code:

axelard tx gov submit-proposal wasm-store $CONTRACT_WASM --code-source-url $CONTRACT_SOURCE --builder "cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer-arm64:0.12.13" --code-hash $CONTRACT_CODE_HASH --instantiate-anyof-addresses $GOVERNANCE --title "Upload service registry" --description "Upload service registry" --run-as $(axelard keys show -a test) --deposit "200000000uedwin" --from test --output json --gas auto --gas-adjustment 2 --gas-prices=0.00005$DENOM --node $RPC --chain-id $DEVNET
  1. Set proposal ID variable based on the output of the previous command:
  1. Follow the same steps to get the network to approve your contract storage proposal.

  2. Query list of codes to retrieve the new one:

    axelar-service-registry % axelard q wasm list-code --node $RPC --chain-id $DEVNET
    - code_id: "4"
    creator: axelar1a8ldskqrlkc0pushavypu359s5dvxcs3xgzu69
    data_hash: 20814E7F6A11BB7BE119BABBD233C3A647A2C8B5D9376EB810729152288D225C
        address: ""
        - axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj
        permission: AnyOfAddresses

    It might take a bit for the proposal to be executed.

Submit governance proposal to instantiate contract

  1. Submit proposal to instantiate. Get the proposal ID from the output:

    axelard tx gov submit-proposal instantiate-contract $CODE_ID '{"governance_account":"'$GOVERNANCE'"}' --label service_registry --no-admin --title "Instantiate service registry" --description "Instantiate service registry" --run-as $(axelard keys show -a test) --deposit "200000000uedwin" --from test --output json --gas auto --gas-adjustment 2 --gas-prices=0.00005$DENOM --node $RPC --chain-id $DEVNET
  2. Follow the same steps to get the network to approve your contract storage proposal.

  3. Query contracts for code_id to get newest address:

    axelard q wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --node $RPC --chain-id $DEVNET
    - axelar1zwv6feuzhy6a9wekh96cd57lsarmqlwxdypdsplw6zhfncqw6ftqhk6q2n
    - axelar1ghd753shjuwexxywmgs4xz7x2q732vcnkm6h2pyv9s6ah3hylvrqt7a82d
    - axelar1xt4ahzz2x8hpkc0tk6ekte9x6crw4w6u0r67cyt3kz9syh24pd7scrmm2x
    - axelar1kj8q8g2pmhnagmfepp9jh9g2mda7gzd0m5zdq0s08ulvac8ck4dqz8wvmz
    next_key: null
    total: "0"

    It might take a bit for the proposal to be executed.

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