Redeem UST from an EVM chain

Redeem UST tokens from an EVM chain to Terra using the terminal.


  • Skill level: intermediate
  • Prerequisites for Send UST to an EVM chain
  • {TERRA_DEST_ADDR} is an address controlled by you on the Terra chain. This is where your UST tokens will be redeemed.

Redeem UST tokens from an EVM chain

Link your {TERRA_DEST_ADDR} address to a new temporary deposit address on the EVM chain:

axelard tx evm link {EVM_CHAIN} terra {TERRA_DEST_ADDR} uusd --from my_account

Output should contain

successfully linked {EVM_TEMP_ADDR} and {TERRA_DEST_ADDR}

Use MetaMask to send some wrapped AXL tokens on {EVM_CHAIN} to the new temporary deposit address {EVM_TEMP_ADDR}. Save the transaction hash {EVM_TX_HASH} for later.


Danger: Send only Axelar Wrapped UST ERC20 tokens to {EVM_TEMP_ADDR}. Any other token sent to {EVM_TEMP_ADDR} will be lost.


Note: Third-party monitoring tools will automatically complete the remaining steps of this process.

Wait a few minutes then check your Terra {TERRA_DEST_ADDR} account UST token balance.


Caution: If you attempt the remaining steps while third-party monitoring tools are active then your commands are likely to conflict with third-party commands. In this case you are likely to observe errors. Deeper investigation might be needed to resolve conflicts and complete the transfer.

The remaining steps are needed only if there are no active third-party monitoring tools and you wish to complete the process manually.

Do not proceed to the next step until you have waited for sufficiently many block confirmations on the EVM chain. Block confirmation minimums can be found at Testnet Resources, Mainnet Resources.

Confirm the EVM chain transaction on Axelar.

axelard tx evm confirm-erc20-deposit {EVM_CHAIN} {EVM_TX_HASH} {AMOUNT} {EVM_TEMP_ADDR} --from my_account

Wait for confirmation on Axelar.

Create and sign pending transfers for {EVM_CHAIN}.

axelard tx evm create-burn-tokens {EVM_CHAIN} --from my_account
axelard tx evm sign-commands {EVM_CHAIN} --from my_account

Output should contain

successfully started signing batched commands with ID {BATCH_ID}

Get the execute_data:

axelard q evm batched-commands {EVM_CHAIN} {BATCH_ID}

Wait for status: BATCHED_COMMANDS_STATUS_SIGNED and copy the execute_data.

Use MetaMask to send a transaction on {EVM_CHAIN} with the execute_data to the Axelar gateway contract address {GATEWAY_ADDR}.


Danger: Post your transaction to the correct chain! Set your MetaMask network to {EVM_CHAIN}.


Caution: Manually increase the gas limit to 5 million gas (5000000). If you don’t do this then the transaction will fail due to insufficient gas and you will not receive your tokens.

Before you click “confirm”: select “EDIT”, change “Gas Limit” to 5000000, and “Save”


Tip: Learn the Axelar {GATEWAY_ADDR} for {EVM_CHAIN} in two ways:

1. Documentation

Testnet Resources, Mainnet Resources.

2. Terminal

axelard q evm gateway-address {EVM_CHAIN}

To send a transaction to {GATEWAY_ADDR} using MetaMask: paste hex from execute_data above into “Hex Data” field. (Do not send tokens!)

Execute the pending IBC transfer:

axelard tx axelarnet route-ibc-transfers --from my_account

Wait a few minutes for the IBC relayer to relay your transaction to Terra.

You should see the redeemed {AMOUNT} of UST token (minus transaction fees) in your Terra {TERRA_DEST_ADDR} account.

Congratulations! You have redeemed UST tokens from the external EVM chain back to Terra!

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