Add Account to Axelarscan


The ability to add metadata about important on-chain addresses allows users to have a simpler experience seeing on-chain activity for these addresses.

Rather than seeing a raw address on Axelarscan, users will be able to see a customized photo and name for a given address:

Axelar Governance Address

How to Add

To add a new address to the list of tracked addresses in the accounts directory, send a pull request to the Axelarscan-UI repository.

Include the following parameters:

  • Address: The address you are looking to add.
  • Name: The name you want to be displayed for your address.
  • Image: The image you want to appear alongside the name.
  • Environment: Whether this address is for mainnet or testnet transactions.


The following example adds the Axelar Governance Address referenced in the image above to the accounts directory.

export default [
    address: 'axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj',
    name: 'Axelar Governance',
    image: '/logos/accounts/axelarnet.svg',

No environment was set, so this address will appear on both mainnet and testnet.

Add the following to include the address on mainnet only:

export default [
    address: 'axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj',
    name: 'Axelar Governance',
    image: '/logos/accounts/axelarnet.svg',
    environment: 'mainnet'
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