What is MDS?Product Overview
InterchainTokenServiceInterchainTokenFactoryTokenManagerAxelarGateway AxelarGasServiceAxelarExecutable
Static Configs Community Pool ProposalsOnboard Your IBC chainBug Bounty
Crosschain Message FlowaxlUSDCSecurity OverviewInterchain Transaction DurationEVM Contract Governance

What is Mobius Development Stack?

Axelar MDS is a suite of open tools and protocols that unlock an entirely new omnichain design space. MDS pioneers a new interoperability standard leveraging enhanced AXL token utility to power infinite security and scalability across Web3. For the first time, applications can connect easily to users and logic anywhere on the internet – maintaining verified and open properties end-to-end.

With Axelar MDS, the possibilities extend far beyond simple bridges or oracles. A user could send a message on Telegram that rebalances a vault on Sui, which in turn interacts with DeFi protocols on Arbitrum and a financial institution’s private blockchain. This level of integration and interoperability opens up a new world of possibilities for decentralized applications.

Axelar MDS]

With one connection, infinite possibilities.

The three main components of Axelar MDS are:

  • Interchain Amplifier: Now on mainnet, a simple, permissionless way to connect your chain with the Axelar network and its interconnected chains. It enables dynamic, customizable integrations, with chains like Sui, Aptos, and Solana cued up to connect.
  • Interchain Token Service (ITS): An institutional-grade set of tokenization tools that replace bridges completely, enabling the minting and managing of tokens across any connected blockchain. With ITS, tokens can move cross-chain natively while maintaining full functionality and fungibility.
  • Axelar Virtual Machine (AVM) underpins Amplifier and ITS to enable smart contract logic at the cross-chain layer. This opens doors for a new generation of multichain developer tools and sophisticated dApps. Ethereum introduced programmable money; Axelar introduces programmable interoperability.

Plus these additional features, combining to create the most complete interoperability platform on the market:

  • Flexible, augmented economic security: connections to ETH (via EigenLayer) and other exogenous collateral adds a layer of customizability to Interchain Amplifier, which already allows custom configuration of security for new integrations.
  • Open interoperability interface built in collaboration with OpenZeppelin and integrated into OpenZeppelin’s leading smart-contract libraries. Developers adopting these open-source semantics can plug in any interoperability technology.
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