Link Custom Tokens Deployed Across Multiple Chains into Interchain Tokens

Custom ERC-20 tokens deployed on multiple chains with specific minting policies, ownership structures, rate limits, and other bespoke functionalities can be turned into Interchain Tokens through the Interchain Token Service.

In this tutorial, you will:

  • Link custom tokens deployed across multiple chains into Interchain Tokens
  • Deploy a simple ERC-20 token on the BSC chain
  • Deploy a simple ERC-20 token on the Avalanche Fuji chain
  • Register token metadata with the ITS Contract on both BSC and Avalanche Fuji chain
  • Register the custom token with the Interchain Token Factory on BSC and Avalanche Fuji chain
  • Link custom token with the Interchain Token Factory from BSC to Avalanche Fuji chain
  • Assign the minter role to your token’s Token Manager on BSC and Avalanche Fuji chain

You will need:

  • A basic understanding of Solidity and JavaScript
  • A MetaMask wallet with tBNB and Avax funds for testing. If you don’t have these funds, you can get tBNB from the BSC faucet and Avax from the Avalanche Fuji faucets (1, 2).

Deploy the following SimpleCustomToken on the BSC and Avalanche Fuji testnets.

This code utilizes OpenZeppelin’s libraries to create a custom ERC-20 token with functionalities for minting, burning, and access control. The token includes a minter role, which enables designated addresses to mint or burn tokens. Additionally, it incorporates ERC20Permit for gasless transactions. The contract starts with a predefined supply of tokens minted to the deployer’s address and establishes roles for a default administrator and minter:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
// Import OpenZeppelin contracts for ERC-20 standard token implementations,
// burnable tokens, access control mechanisms, and permit functionality
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Burnable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Permit.sol";
contract SimpleCustomToken is ERC20, ERC20Burnable, AccessControl, ERC20Permit {
// Define a constant for the minter role using keccak256 to generate a unique hash
bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE");
constructor(address defaultAdmin, address minter)
ERC20("SimpleCustomToken", "SCT") // Set token name and symbol
ERC20Permit("SimpleCustomToken") // Initialize ERC20Permit with the token name
// Mint an initial supply of tokens to the message sender
_mint(msg.sender, 10000 * 10 ** decimals());
// Grant the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE to the specified defaultAdmin address
_grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, defaultAdmin);
// Grant the MINTER_ROLE to the specified minter address
// Addresses with the minter role are allowed to mint new tokens
_grantRole(MINTER_ROLE, minter);
// Mint new tokens. Only addresses with the MINTER_ROLE can call this function
function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyRole(MINTER_ROLE) {
_mint(to, amount);
// Burn tokens from a specified account
function burn(address account, uint256 amount) public onlyRole(MINTER_ROLE) {
_burn(account, amount);

Check out this Hardhat guide to learn how to deploy your ERC-20 token using Hardhat step by step.

Open up your terminal and navigate to any directory of your choice. Run the following commands to create and initiate a project:

Terminal window
mkdir custom-interchain-token-project && cd custom-interchain-token-project
npm init -y

Install Hardhat and the AxelarJS SDK

Install Hardhat and the AxelarJS SDK with the following commands:

Terminal window
npm install --save-dev hardhat@2.18.1 dotenv@16.3.1
npm install @axelar-network/axelarjs-sdk@0.13.9 crypto@1.0.1 @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox@2.0.2

Next, set up the ABIs for the Interchain Token Service and the contract from the token you deployed.

Create a folder named utils. Inside the folder, create the following new files and add the respective ABIs:

Set up an RPC for the BSC and Avalanche Fuji testnet in the root directory.

To make sure you’re not accidentally publishing your private key, create an .env file to store it in:

Terminal window
touch .env

Export your private key and add it to the  .env file you just created:

Terminal window
PRIVATE_KEY= // Add your account private key here


If you will push this project on GitHub, create a .gitignore file and include .env.

Then, create a file with the name hardhat.config.js and add the following code snippet:

require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" });
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.18",
networks: {
bsc: {
url: "",
chainId: 97,
accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],
avalanche: {
url: "",
chainId: 43113,
accounts: [PRIVATE_KEY],

Now that you have set up an RPC for the BSC and Avalanche Fuji testnet, you can register token metadata with the ITS Contract on both chains.
The token metadata registers the metadata for a token on the ITS Hub. This metadata is used to scale linked tokens.

Create a new file named customInterchainToken.js and import the required dependencies:

  • Ethers.js
  • The AxelarJS SDK
  • The custom token contract ABI
  • The address of the InterchainTokenService contract
  • The address of your token deployed on BSC and Avalanche Fuji testnet
const hre = require("hardhat");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const ethers = hre.ethers;
const interchainTokenServiceContractABI = require("./utils/interchainTokenServiceABI");
const interchainTokenFactoryContractABI = require("./utils/interchainTokenFactoryABI");
const customTokenABI = require("./utils/customTokenABI");
const MINT_BURN = 4;
const interchainTokenServiceContractAddress =
const interchainTokenFactoryContractAddress =
const bscCustomTokenAddress = "0x0b769061149B1267e1979C4EA0b57b178dB9a53D"; // Replace with your token address on BSC
const avalancheCustomTokenAddress =
"0xA41E40930CBCDB9fcC63A6307199b0EABC33b4A5"; // Replace with your token address on Avalanche Fuji

Next, create a getSigner() function in customInterchainToken.js. This will obtain a signer for a secure transaction:

async function getSigner() {
const [signer] = await ethers.getSigners();
return signer;

Then, create a getContractInstance() function in customInterchainToken.js. This will get the contract instance based on the contract’s address, ABI, and signer:

async function getContractInstance(contractAddress, contractABI, signer) {
return new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, signer);

Create a registerTokenMetadataOnBSC function for the BSC testnet. This will register the token metadata on BSC.

// register token metadata : bsc
async function registerTokenMetadataOnBSC() {
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
// Get the InterchainTokenService contract instance
const interchainTokenServiceContract = await getContractInstance(
// Register token metadata
const deployTxData =
await interchainTokenServiceContract.registerTokenMetadata(
ethers.utils.parseEther("0.0001"), // gas value
{ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001") },
console.log(`Transaction Hash: ${deployTxData.hash},`);

Create a registerTokenMetadataOnAvalanche function for the Avalanche Fuji testnet. This will register the token metadata on Avalanche Fuji.

// register token metadata : avalanche
async function registerTokenMetadataOnAvalanche() {
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
// Get the InterchainTokenService contract instance
const interchainTokenServiceContract = await getContractInstance(
// Register token metadata
const deployTxData =
await interchainTokenServiceContract.registerTokenMetadata(
ethers.utils.parseEther("0.0001"), // gas value
{ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001") },
console.log(`Transaction Hash: ${deployTxData.hash},`);

Add a main() function to execute the customInterchainToken.js script and handle any errors that may arise:

async function main() {
const functionName = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
switch (functionName) {
case "registerTokenMetadataOnBSC":
await registerTokenMetadataOnBSC();
case "registerTokenMetadataOnAvalanche":
await registerTokenMetadataOnAvalanche();
console.error(`Unknown function: ${functionName}`);
process.exitCode = 1;
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;

Run the script in your terminal to register and deploy the token, specifying the bsc testnet:

Terminal window
FUNCTION_NAME=registerTokenMetadataOnBSC npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network bsc

If you see something similar to the following on your console, you have successfully registered your token metadata on BSC

Terminal window
Transaction Hash: 0xf860bd8802d046fb0c752c355bc73c87e69f701348420c6cbdf82534b87c4822,

Run the script in your terminal to register and deploy the token, specifying the avalanche testnet:

Terminal window
FUNCTION_NAME=registerTokenMetadataOnAvalanche npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network avalanche

If you see something similar to the following on your console, you have successfully registered your token metadata on Avalanche Fuji.

Terminal window
Transaction Hash: 0x026ee7992de2108ecb83f37119ec84ebed371ff724d38e8fd055cbecde5b77e6,

Check the BSC testnet scanner to see if you have successfully registered your token metadata.

Check the Avalanche Fuji testnet scanner to see if you have successfully registered your token metadata.

You’ve registered your token metadata on BSC and Avalanche Fuji. Now, register the custom token with the Interchain Token Factory on the BSC.

To do that, use the following code snippet: create a function with the name registerCustomTokenOnBSC. This function registers an existing ERC20 token under a tokenId computed from the provided salt.

async function registerCustomTokenOnBSC() {
// Generate random salt
const salt = "0x" + crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex");
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
// Get the interchainTokenFactory contract instance
const interchainTokenFactoryContract = await getContractInstance(
// Register token metadata
const deployTxData = await interchainTokenFactoryContract.registerCustomToken(
salt, // salt
bscCustomTokenAddress, // token address
MINT_BURN, // token management type
"0x510e5EA32386B7C48C4DEEAC80e86859b5e2416C", // the address of the operator
{ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001") },
Transaction Hash: ${deployTxData.hash},
salt: ${salt}`);

Update main() to execute registerCustomTokenOnBSC() :

async function main() {
const functionName = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
switch (functionName) {
case "registerCustomTokenOnBSC":
await registerCustomTokenOnBSC();

Run the script in your terminal to register the custom token, once again specifying the BSC testnet (the source chain where all transactions are taking place):

FUNCTION_NAME=registerCustomTokenOnBSC npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network bsc

You should see something similar to the following on your console:

Terminal window
Transaction Hash: 0xf0c3fbbece17cc12d9de76182540afb4f5c6c47aeca65c40f9d58f71e362dffe,
salt: 0xd58c9142d863dde9f0b9ea68b10cce9470626040187a00c16b7b3d4edae70cf9

In this section, you must link the custom token using the Interchain Token Factory between the chains where your token exists.

The key difference between registerCustomToken and linkToken lies in their purpose and scope. registerCustomToken is used exclusively by the Interchain Token Factory to register custom tokens on the current chain, enabling them to be linked later. It deploys a token manager for the token but does not facilitate cross-chain linking. On the other hand, linkToken is a more general function that links a token to a destination chain by deploying a token manager on the target chain. It allows users to connect tokens across chains, enabling interchain transfers. While registerCustomToken is limited to local registration, linkToken extends functionality to cross-chain interoperability.

To do that, create a function named linkCustomToken with the following code snippet.

async function linkCustomToken() {
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
// Get the interchainTokenFactory contract instance
const interchainTokenFactoryContract = await getContractInstance(
// Register token metadata
const deployTxData = await interchainTokenFactoryContract.linkToken(
"0xd58c9142d863dde9f0b9ea68b10cce9470626040187a00c16b7b3d4edae70cf9", // salt, same as previously used
"Avalanche", // destination chain
avalancheCustomTokenAddress, // destination token address
MINT_BURN, // token manager type
"0x510e5EA32386B7C48C4DEEAC80e86859b5e2416C", // the address of the operator - linkParams
ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001"), // gas value
{ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001") },
console.log(`Transaction Hash: ${deployTxData.hash}`);

Update main() to execute linkCustomToken() :

async function main() {
const functionName = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
switch (functionName) {
case "linkCustomToken":
await linkCustomToken();

Run the script in your terminal to register the custom token, once again specifying the BSC testnet (the source chain where all transactions are taking place):

FUNCTION_NAME=linkCustomToken npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network bsc

You should see something similar to the following on your console:

Terminal window
Transaction Hash: 0x11c2a212180d7ea2babe7aceb66c32c1e235cc159bceeb4dd6d04411f4a9669f

Check the Axelarscan testnet scanner to see if you have successfully registered the custom token on the Avalanche Fuji testnet. It should look something like this.

Add gas if needed. Ensure that Axelar shows a successful transaction before continuing to the next step.

You must transfer mint access to the Token Manager address on both chains before you can mint and burn tokens while moving assets between chains.

Create a transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnBSC() function that will perform the mint access transfer on the BSC testnet. The token manager is a contract needed for moving your asset from one chain to the other. You need to first retrieve the token manager address using the token ID. So, let’s start with that. To do that, use the following code snippet.

async function getTokenManagerAddress() {
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
// Get the InterchainTokenService contract instance
const interchainTokenServiceContract = await getContractInstance(
// Retrieve linked token id
const tokenId = await interchainTokenFactoryContract.linkedTokenId(
"0x510e5EA32386B7C48C4DEEAC80e86859b5e2416C", // sender
"0xd58c9142d863dde9f0b9ea68b10cce9470626040187a00c16b7b3d4edae70cf9", // salt, same as previously used
const tokenManagerAddress =
await interchainTokenServiceContract.tokenManagerAddress(tokenId);
Token Manager Address: ${tokenManagerAddress},
Token ID: ${tokenManagerAddress}`);

Update main() to execute getTokenManagerAddress() :

async function main() {
const functionName = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
switch (functionName) {
case "getTokenManagerAddress":
await getTokenManagerAddress();

Run the script in your terminal to retrieve the token manager address.

FUNCTION_NAME=getTokenManagerAddress npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network bsc

You should see something similar to the following on your console:

Terminal window
Token Manager Address: 0x1Ca3eAcB1e8C72869d8962f425631A24e19e8a80,
Token ID: 0xe0898500c75902b24ca99e2bcb77317acfdf01e66b1cacfd1daf75c66ecd8dfb

Next, save your token ID details(you will need them later in this tutorial) and use the token manager address as a parameter to transfer Mint access on both chains. Start with BSC using the folllowing code snippet:

// Transfer mint access on all chains to the Expected Token Manager : BSC
async function transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnBSC() {
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
const tokenContract = await getContractInstance(
// Get the minter role
const getMinterRole = await tokenContract.MINTER_ROLE();
const grantRoleTxn = await tokenContract.grantRole(
"0x1Ca3eAcB1e8C72869d8962f425631A24e19e8a80", // your token manager address
console.log("grantRoleTxn: ", grantRoleTxn.hash);

Update main() to execute transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnBSC() :

async function main() {
const functionName = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
switch (functionName) {
case "transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnBSC":
await transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnBSC();

Run the script in your terminal to transfer mint access to the Token Manager specifying the BSC testnet:

Terminal window
FUNCTION_NAME=transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnBSC npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network bsc

You should see something similar to the following on your console:

Terminal window
grantRoleTxn: 0x82f2fdc151e865d08f776485076cb1e5ba8ffb865f5c4f7e6fedbbe046d5e4e3

Next, grant mint access to the Avalanche Fuji testnet using the following code snippet:

// Transfer mint access on all chains to the Expected Token Manager : Avalanche
async function transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnAvalanche() {
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
const tokenContract = await getContractInstance(
// Get the minter role
const getMinterRole = await tokenContract.MINTER_ROLE();
const grantRoleTxn = await tokenContract.grantRole(
"0x1Ca3eAcB1e8C72869d8962f425631A24e19e8a80", // your token manager address
console.log("grantRoleTxn: ", grantRoleTxn.hash);

Update main() to execute transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnAvalanche() :

async function main() {
const functionName = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
switch (functionName) {
case "transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnAvalanche":
await transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnAvalanche();

Run the script in your terminal to transfer mint access to the Token Manager specifying the Avalanche Fuji testnet:

Terminal window
FUNCTION_NAME=transferMintAccessToTokenManagerOnAvalanche npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network avalanche

You should see something similar to the following on your console:

Terminal window
grantRoleTxn: 0xdff5ef006caf387b2f86db5ad09837b72107ba9f95561ee47560a05ce55f2cad

Now that you have deployed a granted mint access to the token manager on both BSC and Avalanche testnet, you can transfer your token between those two chains using the interchainTransfer() method.

In customInterchainToken.js, create a transferTokens() function to facilitate remote token transfers between chains. Change the token ID to the tokenId that you saved from an earlier step, and change the receiver address to your wallet address:

// Transfer tokens : BSC -> Avalanche Fuji
async function transferTokens() {
// Get a signer to sign the transaction
const signer = await getSigner();
const interchainTokenServiceContract = await getContractInstance(
const transfer = await interchainTokenServiceContract.interchainTransfer(
"0xe0898500c75902b24ca99e2bcb77317acfdf01e66b1cacfd1daf75c66ecd8dfb", // tokenId, the one you store in the earlier step
"Avalanche", // destination chain
"0x510e5EA32386B7C48C4DEEAC80e86859b5e2416C", // receiver address
ethers.utils.parseEther("5"), // amount of token to transfer
ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001"), // gasValue
// Transaction options should be passed here as an object
value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001"),
console.log("Transfer Transaction Hash:", transfer.hash);

Update the main() to execute transferTokens():

async function main() {
const functionName = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME;
switch (functionName) {
case "transferTokens":
await transferTokens();

Run the script in your terminal, specifying the BSC testnet:

Terminal window
FUNCTION_NAME=transferTokens npx hardhat run customInterchainToken.js --network bsc

You should see something similar to the following on your console:

Terminal window
Transfer Transaction Hash: 0xbb7d242ead9fda8ce8d20654fb1c404c611c04bbb198fe15668a17272862e95b

If you see this, your interchain transfer has been successful! 🎉

Check the Axelarscan testnet scanner to see if you have successfully transferred SCT from the BSC testnet to the Avalanche Fuji testnet. It should look something like this.

You have now programmatically linked custom tokens deployed on multiple chains as Interchain Tokens, using Axelar’s Interchain Token Service to transfer them between chains.

Great job making it this far! To show your support for the author of this tutorial, please post about your experience and tag @axelarnetwork on Twitter (X).

For further examples utilizing the Interchain Token Service, check out the following in the axelar-examples repo on GitHub:

  • its-custom-token — Demonstrates how to use the ITS with a custom token implementation.
  • its-interchain-token — Demonstrates how to deploy Interchain Tokens that are connected across EVM chains and how to send some tokens across.
  • its-canonical-token - Demonstrates how to deploy canonical Interchain Token and send cross-chain transfer for these tokens.
  • its-lock-unlock-fee Demonstrates how to deploy deploy interchain token with lock/unlock_fee token manager type.
  • its-executable Demonstrates how to deploy interchain token and send a cross-chain transfer along with a message.
  • its-mint-burn-from Demonstrates how to deploy interchain token with uses burnFrom() on token being bridged rather than burn().

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