Create New Token

Interchain Tokens are tokens deployed via the Interchain Token Service (ITS). These tokens are relatively simple ERC-20s with a built-in integration to ITS, making them bridgeable to other blockchains as soon as the token is deployed. If you are starting fresh and want to deploy a brand new token that will have bridging capabilities from day one, ITS offers you the ability to deploy a token directly through its own contract.

Install the Axelar Interchain Token Service (ITS) package using npm or any other node package manager:

Terminal window
npm i @axelar-network/interchain-token-service

Use the deployInterchainToken function to deploy a new interchain token on the current chain:

bytes32 tokenId = its.deployInterchainToken(
0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefab, // unique salt for token deployment
'My Interchain Token', // token name
'ITS', // token symbol
18, // token decimals
1000000, // initial token Supply
msg.sender // address receiving initially minted tokens

This function deploys an interchain token, connects it to ITS upon deployment and returns the unique token ID.

Use the deployRemoteInterchainToken function to deploy the token on a remote chain as a cross-chain transaction:

bytes32 tokenId = its.deployRemoteInterchainToken{value: msg.value}(
'Ethereum', // original chain Name
0xabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefab, // salt
msg.sender, // address to distribute token on destination chain
"Avalanche", // destination chain name
msg.value // gas sent for token deployment

This function deploys a remote interchain token on a specified destination chain and returns a token ID.


NOTE: The security of your token is limited to the security of the chains it integrates with. When making a token interchain, ensure that all the chains it will be deployed to are trustworthy.

For further examples utilizing the Interchain Token Service, check out the axelar-examples repository on GitHub. There, you can find an example implementation titled its-interchain-token, which demonstrates how to deploy Interchain Tokens connected across EVM chains and how to send tokens across them.

For a step-by-step guide on deploying an Interchain Token, check out the Programmatically Create a New Token Using the Interchain Token Service tutorial.

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