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Manual Relaying Cosmos 2-way Calls


Axelar’s off-chain relayer service currently does not support the automatic processing of two-way calls through Cosmos chains. This limitation can affect to halt at the confirmation step. This guide covers how to manually process these transactions to ensure successful completion.

Manual Relay Process

To manually process a two-way transaction to Cosmos through the Axelar network, perform the following steps:

  1. Confirm the gateway transaction on Axelar after the source chain transaction reaches finality.
  2. Monitor the Axelar network for the MessageReceived event.
  3. Manually route the message using the RouteMessage transaction on Axelar.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Confirm the Gateway Transaction

After your transaction on the source chain has reached finality, manually confirm it on the Axelar network using the ConfirmGatewayTx command.

Command Usage

axelard tx evm confirm-gateway-tx \\
<source_chain_name> \\
<source_chain_name_tx_hash> \\
  --from <your_axelar_account> \\
  --gas auto \\
  --gas-adjustment 1.3 \\
  • <source_chain_name>: The source chain name
  • <source_chain_name_tx_hash>: The hash of your source chain transaction
  • <your_axelar_account>: Your Axelar account name or key


axelard tx evm confirm-gateway-tx \\
ethereum \\
0x0eb22acad0b37b2ebfca573944ccd41078ab61a057be8237c62818c0928618b1 \\
  --from my_axelar_key \\
  --gas auto \\
  --gas-adjustment 1.3 \\


  • Ensure the source chain transaction is fully confirmed before executing this command
  • The y flag confirms the transaction without prompting

2. Monitor for the MessageReceived Event

After confirming the gateway transaction, wait for the MessageReceived event on the Axelar network. This event indicates that the message from the source chain has been received and is ready to be routed.

How to Monitor

  • AxelarScan Explorer: Visit AxelarScan Testnet Explorer and search for your transactions or events related to your account.
  • RPC/WebSocket: Use Axelar’s RPC endpoints to programmatically listen for events by polling every block height, as indicated here.

Event Details

The MessageReceived event provides the following information:

  • id: A unique identifier for the message, e.g., 0x07ff5d7fa8f782f1...-6.
  • payload_hash: The hash of the message payload.
  • recipient: JSON object containing the recipient’s chain information and address.
  • sender: JSON object containing the sender’s chain information and address.

Example Event Data:

  "id": "0x07ff5d7fa8f782f149a54a2d7f3fa5508777bfee11024b91a5e44e7423101ce7-6",
  "payload_hash": "Oed6eTDbnou/OWAs5qipbsClgpgMeaCrWNxH1OSWxnY=",
  "recipient": {
    "chain": {
      "name": "warden",
      "supports_foreign_assets": true,
      "key_type": "KEY_TYPE_NONE",
      "module": "axelarnet"
    "address": "warden1yatzc54ln59caxxnj53rff2s359pezx3hqxpzu2tkyl2f9ud9yvsnvmcme"
  "sender": {
    "chain": {
      "name": "ethereum-sepolia",
      "supports_foreign_assets": true,
      "key_type": "KEY_TYPE_MULTISIG",
      "module": "evm"
    "address": "0xc13328bA9657C94aFfbf4f7d257d61e48199802A"

3. Route the Message Manually

Once the MessageReceived event is confirmed, manually route the message by executing RouteMessageRequest using this RPC message.

Command Definition

axelard tx axelarnet route-message \
  "<message_id>" \
  "<payload>" \
  --from "<your_axelar_account>" \
  --gas auto \
  --gas-adjustment 1.3 \
  • <message_id>: The id from the MessageReceived event.
  • <payload>: The payload data you want to route.
  • <your_axelar_account>: Your Axelar account name or key.


axelard tx axelarnet route-message \
  "0x0eb22acad0b37b2ebfca573944ccd41078ab61a057be8237c62818c0928618b1-6" \
  "<payload>" \
  --from "my_axelar_key" \
  --gas auto \
  --gas-adjustment 1.3 \


  • Replace the placeholder values with actual data from the MessageReceived event.
  • Ensure that the payload is correctly formatted and encoded if necessary.

Additional Information

  • Error Handling: If any step fails, verify the correctness of all provided parameters and ensure network connectivity.
  • Automation: While this process is manual due to current limitations, you can script these commands to streamline the workflow.

If you require further assistance, please create an issue on our Github support repo here.

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