AxelarJS SDK

The AxelarJS SDK is an npm library that includes a collection of APIs and query tools.

The package can be installed into your dApp as a project dependency with:

Terminal window
npm i @axelar-network/axelarjs-sdk

Current modules:

  • AxelarAssetTransfer

  • AxelarGMPRecoveryAPI

    • API library to track and recover (if needed) GMP transactions (both callContract and callContractWithToken).
    • Transactions are indexed by the transaction hash initiated on the source chain when invoking either callContract or callContractWithToken.
    • GMP transaction status and recovery.
  • AxelarQueryAPI

    • Collection of helpful predefined queries into the network, e.g., transaction fees for token transfers, cross-chain gas prices for GMP transactions, denom conversions, etc.
    • Axelar Query API.

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