
Instructions to set up your Hedera mirror node.



  • An Amazon Web Services account/Google Cloud Platform account.
  • Docker (>= v20.10.x) installed on your machine.

Clone Hedera Mirror Node Repository

Open your terminal and run the following commands

git clone https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-mirror-node
cd hedera-mirror-node

Configure Mirror Node

The application.yml file is the main configuration file for the Hedera Mirror Node. We’ll update that file with GCP/AWS Secret and Access keys and the type of Hedera Network we want to mirror.

        accessKey: Enter access key from your GCP/AWS account
        cloudProvider: "GCP/s3" #Choose GCP for google or s3 for AWS
        secretKey: Enter secret key from your GCP/AWS account
        gcpProjectId: ENTER GCP PROJECT ID HERE / N/A for AWS
      network: PREVIEWNET/TESTNET/MAINNET #Pick one network

Run Your Mirror Node

docker compose up

Check Logs

Logs should appear like this

importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.832Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.b.BatchInserter Copied 1 rows to transaction table in 388.7 μs
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.833Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.r.e.s.SqlEntityListener Completed batch inserts in 11.59 ms
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.833Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.r.RecordFileParser Successfully processed 1 items from 2019-10-11T16_39_21.323930Z.rcd in 11.69 ms
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.948Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.b.BatchInserter Copied 7 rows to crypto_transfer table in 664.4 μs
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.957Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.b.BatchInserter Copied 3 rows to entity_temp table in 8.886 ms
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.958Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.b.BatchInserter Copied 1 rows to record_file table in 483.7 μs
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.958Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.b.TransactionHashBatchInserter Copied 1 rows from 1 shards to transaction_hash table in 653.0 μs
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.959Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.b.BatchInserter Copied 1 rows to transaction table in 486.9 μs
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.959Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.r.e.s.SqlEntityListener Completed batch inserts in 11.39 ms
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:43.959Z  INFO pool-8-thread-2 c.h.m.i.p.r.RecordFileParser Successfully processed 1 items from 2019-10-11T16_39_31.290027001Z.rcd in 11.50 ms
importer-1  | 2024-09-05T14:10:44.539Z  INFO scheduling-4 c.h.m.i.d.r.RecordFileDownloader No new signature files to download after file: 2019-10-11T16_39_31.290027001Z.rcd. Retrying in 0.5 s

Verify RPC

 curl http://localhost:5551/api/v1/transactions?limit=1
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