
Set up your CELO Mainnet or Alfajores Testnet RPC node

  1. Clone the Repository
  2. Configuring the node
  3. Start the node
  4. Estimate remaining sync time
  5. Configure vald
Terminal window
git clone https://github.com/celo-org/celo-l2-node-docker-compose.git
cd celo-l2-node-docker-compose

Example configs is provided for Alfajores, Baklava and Mainnet(will be available once the L2 version is launched).

Copy the desired network environment file to .env (.env is used by docker-compose to load environment variables).

E.g. To run a node on Alfajores:

Terminal window
cp alfajores.env .env

Open .env and optionally configure any setting you may wish to change. For more details, refer to the documentation: Celo L2 Node Configurations.

Terminal window
docker compose up -d --build

To see logs after starting the container, do the following.

Terminal window
docker compose logs -f --tail 10

You’ll start seeing some output. After a few minutes, you should see lines that look like this. This means your node has started syncing with the network and is receiving blocks.

Terminal window
op-node-1 | t=2025-03-10T13:10:05+0000 lvl=info msg="successfully processed payload" ref=0xf4f3329a393c63a3049dd6ccf373b84a8010575959a9b08b5322816c277185dc:40656885 txs=1
op-node-1 | t=2025-03-10T13:10:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Received signed execution payload from p2p" id=0xaed84ef24c4accfac8597083e86b2187b10594ef4d8cf6a1de8794d8d2eb6f54:40656886 peer=16Uiu2HAmGJAiUX6HLSo4nLh8T984qxzokwL23cVsYuNZy2SrK7C6 txs=1
op-node-1 | t=2025-03-10T13:10:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Optimistically queueing unsafe L2 execution payload" id=0xaed84ef24c4accfac8597083e86b2187b10594ef4d8cf6a1de8794d8d2eb6f54:40656886
op-geth-1 | INFO [03-10|13:10:06.890] Imported new potential chain segment number=40,656,886 hash=aed84e..eb6f54 blocks=1 txs=1 mgas=0.044 elapsed=15.280ms mgasps=2.865 snapdiffs=1.07MiB triediffs=1.68MiB triedirty=170.80KiB
op-geth-1 | INFO [03-10|13:10:06.892] Chain head was updated number=40,656,886 hash=aed84e..eb6f54 root=d8d7a6..3d26d7 elapsed="149.411µs"
op-node-1 | t=2025-03-10T13:10:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Inserted new L2 unsafe block (synchronous)" hash=0xaed84ef24c4accfac8597083e86b2187b10594ef4d8cf6a1de8794d8d2eb6f54 number=40656886 newpayload_time=19.937ms fcu2_time=2.276ms total_time=22.216ms mgas=0.043782 mgasps=1.9707239775153276
op-node-1 | t=2025-03-10T13:10:06+0000 lvl=info msg="Sync progress" reason="new chain head block" l2_finalized=0x1d307d6750afe9164b8b5ce86a76afd94331db3e88aed28be17da33f0ce5f05f:40652313 l2_safe=0xf9186d586e797b9cdb5b08de180c27f2e58c04de15fdb28eb6afb2b5a4e1d55a:40656494 l2_pending_safe=0xf9186d586e797b9cdb5b08de180c27f2e58c04de15fdb28eb6afb2b5a4e1d55a:40656494 l2_unsafe=0xaed84ef24c4accfac8597083e86b2187b10594ef4d8cf6a1de8794d8d2eb6f54:40656886 l2_backup_unsafe=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:0 l2_time=1741612206
op-node-1 | t=2025-03-10T13:10:06+0000 lvl=info msg="successfully processed payload" ref=0xaed84ef24c4accfac8597083e86b2187b10594ef4d8cf6a1de8794d8d2eb6f54:40656886 txs=1
op-node-1 | t=2025-03-10T13:10:07+0000 lvl=info msg="Received signed execution payload from p2p" id=0xb6911f4eff94a958702fba8def55dbb552323054c3aaeaa82f8a4866e685dee8:40656887 peer=16Uiu2HAm1SZBDSugT5MMu7vBY8auDgfZFNhoDeXPLc9Me5FsAxwT txs=2

Install foundry and then run progress.sh to estimate remaining sync time and speed.

Terminal window

This will show the sync speed in blocks per minute and the time until sync is completed.

Terminal window
Chain ID: 44787
Sampling, please wait
Blocks per minute: ...
Hours until sync completed: ...

In order for vald to connect to your Ethereum node, your rpc_addr should be exposed in vald’s config.toml

Terminal window
name = "celo"
rpc_addr = "<node-rpc-addr>"
start-with-bridge = true

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