Common Amplifier Error Messages

The following are some common error messages encountered when working with verifiers and relayers on the Amplifier.


These errors may be caused by other issues. The reasons given are based off of known causes only.


  • command not found: axelard β€” The symlink or alias to axelard is not working. Use full binary name instead for commands, such as ./axelard version instead of axelard version. Alternatively you can fix your alias, PATH, or symlink.

  • command not found: tofnd β€” The symlink or alias to tofnd is not working. Use full binary name instead for commands, such as tofnd-darwin-[version] --help instead of tofnd --help. Alternatively you can fix your alias, PATH, or symlink.

  • connection failed: transport error β€” ampd can’t connect to tofnd. Make sure that you have tofnd running in the background and that the port and hots tofnd is listening on match the information in your ampd config file.

  • axelard cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified (Mac) β€” Disable the gatekeeper for a single binary with sudo xattr -d ~/Downloads/ampd-darwin-arm64-v1.0.0, or disable gatekeeper globally with sudo spctl --master-disable.

  • error trying to connect: received corrupt message β€” Your RPC server may not support HTTPS. Try HTTP instead.

  • error trying to connect: invalid dnsname β€” Your IP-addressed server may not support HTTPS. Use http:// instead.

Message relayers

  • Generic error: Querier contract error: codespace β€” The message that was supposed to be routed can’t be found. Search for unfit_for_routing in your terminal output to see if the message was actually routed. The transaction will succeed even with unsuccessful routing.

  • message index: 0 β€” There are no new messages to confirm.

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